Sunday, April 13, 2014

To New Beginnings

Spring is a time of rebirth and rejuvenation. Where nature starts anew after a long cold winter. Sometimes relationships must also follow the path of nature. The end of one relationship lets the doors open for another to begin. 

Sometimes the new is found in unexpected places. Like some grass growing in the crack of a sidewalk. Surrounded with leaves and brush, you would never expect the cement sidewalk underneath. Nature found the crack with the dirt and started to grow. 

The beauty of nature is that something as beautiful as a tulip, will grow anywhere. This tulip bulb is along a walking path heavily lined with trees, yet still found the sun to grow. 

What looks and feels like sludge on the surface, is ready to grow and heal underneath. It just needs a little time and sunshine! This gully will soon be overgrown with greenery. 

Sometimes we are afraid to disrupt our lives because we are so used to the calm at the top of the waterfall. We feel that we are not strong enough to handle the pressure of going over the edge into the rushing stream below. But with time, just down the stream a bit, calm is restored. 

Spring is a time for rebirth and rejuvenation. This lilac bush is producing buds and will soon fill the air with a sweet fragrance.

We are stronger than we think. Once we are past the hurt, the changes, and are into the unknown, we realize that this is where we were meant to be. 

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